Friday, May 27, 2011

Favorite Things Friday

Can't think of one favorite today .. I was going to talk about paper towels, but since that was the best I could do this week, I decided to opt for a list of things I like.

I like ...
   when all five doors at the grocery store are open at the same time
   when I use the last of the staples
    top ramen
    making fleece blankets to give as gifts
    watching movies
    road trips
    sleeping in a cool room with the windows open
    snuggling under a nice warm quilt/blanket
    finishing my quilts
    starting new quilts
    warm sand after getting out of the water

Please stop by QIMP to see what other people have as favorites this week.


Baa-Me Kniits said...

I just made a couple of fleece blankets for my boys.....easiest 'quilts' I ever made ;-)

Larri @ Seams Inspired said...

You are too funny, Thea! :o)

I like all your likes, especially the snuggling under a blanket or quilt. Nothing is better on a rainy day! Happy FTF! :o)

Katie said...

Using the last staples? I hope you didn't replace them too!

thea said...

of course I replace the staples :)

Shay said...

Love the list. There has been a lot of snuggling going on under quilts round here lately since it's bordering on freezing...

What's top Ramen? (Is that the best quality two minute noodles?)

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