Monday, June 6, 2011


Well, I finished the Prom Quilt!  Here are some pics!  As usual my piecing is not perfect.  I need to work on being more precise.  I really like the diamonds on the two ends.

The backing is the minky (thanks for all your advice).  I hope my daughter likes it.  I'm going to wash it and pray that it doesn't get ruined.  I broke many rules in making this and the washing may totally unmake it.  Maybe I won't wash it .. :)


Sara said...

Unless your seams were less than a quarter inch, wash it. Quilts are always better once they've been washed.

Is your binding minky as well, or is it a patterned fabric that makes it look like that?

Marg said...

It's turned out really well, hasn't it. Love the quilting outlining the hexagons and the diamonds. The minky looks so soft and cuddly and I love he dark binding too. A fabulous quilt, I'm sure your daughter will absolutely love it.
Rules are there to be broken!!!!

Shay said...

I love the minky backing. It's perfect and shows up the quilting so well.

I think you're incredibly brave doing hexies...The white sashing just shows up the centres so beautifully. All in all I'd say you did a bang up job!(That means it's fabulous)

Katie said...

there are no "rules" in quilting. Robin will LOVE it!

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