Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Back

Katie sent me some fabric to make the back for a quilt she's making, and here it is.

For me quilting is like reading, I get started (sometimes slow, sometimes faster), then I really get into it, and then get anxious to finish, then I finish, and then I wish I spent more time enjoying it .. or wish I had another one to do ..


Marg said...

That looks great. I love the stripes.
I'm always anxious to finish so I can start on something new. It's not the best way to enjoy the process :p

Marg said...

That looks great. I love the stripes.
I'm always anxious to finish so I can start on something new. It's not the best way to enjoy the process :p

Paulette said...

I like the deep colors of the backing and the stripes. Looking forward to seeing what it looks like when it's all together.

I enjoy the piecing part, not as much the quilting, which is usuall when I just wish it were done. In time I think I'll start enjoying the quilting part more.

Shay said...

I LOVE that back ...those colours are sublime. And the way you put it together in stripes looks awesome!

Why do you think I work on so many projects? So I can have lot of finishes and starts all at once! Im always thinking ahead to the next three projects.

Kate said...

Very clever. I like all those shades togehter.

January Goals

Here's my first stab at January goals. Make progress on Grinch quilt Pick out crochet project Send out New Year's cards Healthier li...