Saturday, January 3, 2015

2014 Wrap Up

2014 was a very good year!

Best project : my favorite quilt this year was the giraffe quilt.  I am so pleased with how it turned out.  my favorite project was the sewing kits.  I felt stretched with both of these things and they both ended up better than I expected.  Certainly inspires me to try other new things and not be so afraid. As a friend mine says, it's only fabric.

Best vacation : I don't really want to pick a favorite because there were two really great ones.  The first was Florida for Jono and Lauren's wedding.  A wonderful week at the beach.  The other, no big surprise here, was my trip to the UP with the walk across the Mackinac Bridge.  Unfortunately, Nevada got sick while we were there; so it's probably not on her "best" list.

Best hike : there were so many of these, it's hard to pick one.  It could be the walk across the bridge, but that needs to stay under the "vacation" category (no crossovers allowed).  Fort Funston is always nice and picturesque too; though I always end up with too much sand in my shoes.  I guess I'll go with Lands End because of the views of the ocean and the Golden Gate Bridge.  We definitely need to start walking on Saturdays again.

Best cocktail : my favorite, hands down, was the strawberry lemonade we had on the 4th of July. 

Best concert : Paul McCartney.

Best play/musical : Wicked.

Here are the quilts I made in 2014. Though my goal for the last two years has been to make 9, I don't seem to be able to make it there (only 8 this year, again).  I actually have four quilts in the works: two  completed tops; one Grinch quilt; and the last one is the star quilt I made that I need to make larger.

From the 2014 list, I finished about 26 items (50%). Of course, that means there were 26 that I didn't finish, but I'm okay with that.  I'm happy with my progress on starting a new project each month.  As for the other items, some have been carried over to the 2015 list and others have just been dropped off as something I don't really want to do, or will be put back on next year.

I thought of something else to add, but I'll just have to put that in my monthly goals somewhere, along with reading a book and making a loaf of bread with a new soup!


Katie said...

Nice recap! Your walks seem like fun. We walked at the outlet mall today (not so exciting venue).

Southern Gal said...

Loved Wicked. We're seeing Camelot this year. Love the list.

Kirsten said...

Love your quilts!!! Eight is a loooot.....I wish I could do that many...I only got three finished.

Kate said...

Sounds like 2014 was a good year. You finished 8 quilts. That's doing really well. I've never finished more then 7 in one year. It was only 3 this year.

Hope that 2015 is even better for you.

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