Saturday, March 24, 2012

Clever titles

I wish I could come up with clever titles.  I mean the Mentalist has red in every title.  CSI has fun titles, for example, "Trends with Benefits", "Malice in Wonderland".  and then there's Castle, "One Life to Lose".  Why can't I come up with something even slightly clever?

Here are some pictures of the little Girl Quilt I finished this past week, as well as the fleece blanket my YD and I tied for the same little girl.  I really hope she likes it.


Sara said...

Last week's episode of Castle was called "once upon a crime" and I think that's a particularly good one.

That quilt looks awesome - Love love that backing. Was it a bitch to work with though?

Shay said...

LOVE that minkee back...I think I may have to copy that at some point.

Im no good at titles or tags either. We can both go sit in the dunce corner together. Eating popcorn.

libbyquilter said...

cute little quilts~!
that minkee back looks oh. so. soft~!


Samikins said...

Sami rides with the top quilt in the car and loves the snuggly side to her. Last night she was fussing with the blanket and I said how about if Pooh Bear snuggles you and held up the Pooh bear blanket and she was SOOO happy. I should get a pic of her with the PoohBear one. I found my camera so it might happen :D

February Made Me Shiver

I still don't remembered the January line. I thought it was from American Pie but that line is "February made me shiver, with eve...