Tuesday, March 22, 2011

15 minute challenge

I decided to try the 15 minute challenge at Life in Pieces.

Here's how my week turned out.

Tuesday - shopping for fabric
Wednesday - cutting out squares
Thursday - cutting out more squares
Friday - nada
Saturday - nada
Sunday - made four blocks

Monday - made a bunch of hsts and two more blocks

I made all of the center hsts for the quilt (64) on Monday and was ready to quit.  then I put two of the blocks together and could have gone on all night.  Okay, so now I know that I need instant gratification. :)


Shay said...

Im the same Thea. When I did the Dresden's , I made enough fans to do 4 blocks and then made the blocks up. I have to see actual finished progress to be motivated.

Looks like you had a great week. Im enjoying this challenge and seeing what every one else got up to!

Katie said...

If I did 15 minutes a day I would only shop because I am on the road so much that is a bad idea. But I love the idea perhaps I need 15 minutes of something else?

Kate said...

Beautiful blocks, the purple and yellow really shout spring to me. Great progress!

Paulette said...

I love those purple and yellow double pinwheel blocks! You rocked this week!

Things I've Been Up To

So today I worked on the Grinch quilt.  If I do a little everyday, I might actually finish it this year. Here it is all bunched up by my sew...