Tuesday, July 12, 2011

15-minute challenge - July 12, 2011

So this week I did do a little better.  I didn't keep track like I like to so I may not have the days right, sorry about that.  I'll try and keep track this week. promise.

Tuesday, July 5 - finished white borders on spiderman blocks
Wednesday, July 6 - started red borders
Thursday, July 7 - nada
Friday, July 8 - finished shirt, mended pillow case for #1 son
Saturday, July 9 - worked on red borders
Sunday, July 10 - finished red borders
Monday, July 11 - started next borders (got distracted by the devil cat)

To see what others accomplished this week, check out Kate's blog.

I need to start working on my Christmas stockings this week, so hopefully next week I'll be able to show you something.

#1 grandson turns three this week.  The spiderman quilt won't be done .. but he probably won't care.


Marg said...

That's not bad for the week. Pity about the devil cat. At least I can move mine when they sit on my stuff!

Shay said...

I hadnt forgotten those Christmas stockings. It's in my diary. Im looking forward to it.

You managed something crafty 6 days out of 7 . I think that's excellent progress. (and no Grandson wont care that the quilt isnt done)

Kate said...

You managed to have a very crafty week, hope lots got done (in spite of the devil cat).

Thanks for linking up this week.

January Goals

Here's my first stab at January goals. Make progress on Grinch quilt Pick out crochet project Send out New Year's cards Healthier li...