Tuesday, August 16, 2011

15 minute challenge - Aug 9 & 16

Tuesday - Worked on Spiderman
Wednesday - finished quilting spiderman
Thursday - nothing
Friday - knitting
Saturday - knitting
Sunday - knitting
Monday - nada

tuesday - made jam
Wednesday - made jam
Thursday - made jam
Friday - made jam / tie dye t-shirt
Saturday - nothing
Sunday - knitting
Monday - zip

I was on vacation from Friday last week through Sunday this week .. so that's why only the knitting and jamming.  I didn't get nearly as far with my knitting project as planned .. pictures soon.

Nice to be back.  Trying to get back in the swing of things.  Planning on finishing the spiderman quilt and starting on something new ...

Check out what everyone else has been up to this last week at Life in Pieces...



Kate said...

Hope you had a nice vacation. It's good to shake things up when you are on vacation and do something different. Thanks for linking up this week.

Shay said...

What kind of jam did you make? Im assuming you made about 4000 jars since it took DAYS!

All in all I think you had an amazing couple of weeks....when do we get to see pictures of all that knitting!

Seriously incredible effort!

Katie said...

the jam needed to be made

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