Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Goals : April Wrap Up

April was basically a bust.  I didn't complete any of my four goals. I barely worked on them.

1 - finish my knitted baby girl blanket.
2 - figure out what to do with the grinch fabric
3 - start a baby girl quilt
4 - craftsy class

I worked on the knitted blanket, but ended up ripping out several rows. I thought about the Grinch quilt, but that was it. and that's it.  I did manage to finish the quilt top using the left over Time and Again fabric, which might be a baby girl quilt, but I don't know about that. Maybe if I do something girly with the back ...

May's goals

1 - work on knitted baby girl blanket

2 - finish Left Over Time quilt

3 - finish American Jane quilt

4 - work on duvet cover

5 - take craftsy class

Let's start with those and see where I end up. 


Katie said...

Make plans to work on at least one of them.

Shay said...

I'm with Katie. I think you should pick one or two and see how it goes. My April goals didn't go anywhere! Worst month ever.

Kate said...

As Shay and Katie, suggest, maybe focus on just one goal for now and see how it goes. Sometimes too many things going on paralyze me and nothing gets done.

February Made Me Shiver

I still don't remembered the January line. I thought it was from American Pie but that line is "February made me shiver, with eve...