Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Saying Goodbye ...

This is a post I've been putting off since August.  We buried my father in the family plot at Lakeview Cemetery in Calumet, Michigan.

My two sisters came, along with several nieces and one nephew.  One cousin from my mother's side and one from my father's came with their spouses. and a few of my parent's friends.

It was a very, very informal affair.  My sisters and I spoke briefly and then we encouraged others to tell stories about our father.

Afterwards, we went to the Eagle Harbor Inn, in Eagle Harbor, Michigan, for a reception.

Then we went to the Lake Breeze for a family picture on the porch.

Here's the picture from after my mom's memorial, 8 years ago.


Katie said...

I love the side by side of the lake breeze photos

Kate said...

Time sometimes seams so unfair. So sorry for your loss.

February Made Me Shiver

I still don't remembered the January line. I thought it was from American Pie but that line is "February made me shiver, with eve...