Saturday, January 22, 2011

The "other pinwheel sampler" -- DONE!!!

Here are some pics ... it's really hard to take a good picture because of the size but this is what I have.

The devil cat approves ..

Here's a shot of the binding. I really like the way it turned out ..  I'm second guessing the quilting -- perhaps I should have done more, lots more, but I like it anyway.  Everything took a long time -- (it took me almost 45 minutes to take the pins out (and it took almost 4 hours to put them in (two of us working for two hours))).  

On to the next project ...


Anna said...

This quilt is just lovely!

Katie said...

Love it! The binding is my favorite.

Shay said...

Thea, I love this quilt. The simple quilting lets the blocks speak for themselves. Sometimes a quilt doesn't need lots of fuss and feathers.

I think you should be flipping cartwheels and patting yourself on the back for a job exceedingly well done!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Wow! It is absolutely georgeous!

Marg said...

It's stunning, and I love the binding. I absolutely love it!

Mistea said...

Love the way this one came together. Sure is effective in that simple colourway.

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