Saturday, January 1, 2011

The 2011 List

since last year was my first year of lists to do for the year, I put some really weird stuff on it.  Lots that I never got to and lots of stuff that I realize now I didn't even want to do.  I am hoping this year's will be more realistic, fun, and doable.  I'm not putting on things like no sugar .. maybe the word NO should be left off ... well here goes:

1. Get that passport
2. Go on two weekend trips with my husband (we did one ..)
3. Go to Oregon
4. Make Christmas stockings (One down .. nine more to go) *completed six of them
5. try applique
6. take a quilting class
7. vacation with the kids (at least some of them) - DONE
8. see a sunrise - DONE
9. sew something to wear - DONE
10. take a different kind of exercise class
11. add another book to my Tintin collection
12. try a new ethnic food (obviously, new to me) - DONE - Cuban, Filipino
13. put together a puzzle (2000 is TOO many pieces)... Kind of DID - try jigidi
14. take a bike ride (after we buy bikes :).)
15. go to Las Vegas (I may have a conference there which would make this easier).. DONE
16. read 3 books (Murder Makes WavesMurder on a Bad Hair Day, A River In The Sky) - DONE
17. host a dinner party (I know this was on there last year and what I really mean by this is to have some people over for dinner).
18. See fireworks - DONE (7/3/2011 - Great America)
19. Go to Eagle Harbor - DONE
20. Set up my sewing room (or area if there is no real room) - okay, I have a sewing area which I use but needs to be broken down whenever we have meals or anything.
21.  buy 52 - $1 items ($1 item per week, but not necessarily every week)(and post a picture)(1-Goldfish, 2-Crayons, 3-7 five suitcases, 8-three pyrex dishes, 9- Blockhead) -- okay, this was a bust but I may try again next year.
22.  Bake cookies with #1 grandson - DONE
23. Try a different color of toe nail polish - DONE
24. Karaoke
25. Swim in the Ocean
26. Grand Canyon?
27. Watch 24 hours of movies (copied from #11 on Katie's 2010 list)
28. Stay in my pajamas all day
29. Send 5 postcards
30. Learn a new game - DONE - we played Quelf on Christmas day.  Sometimes fun. Sometimes not so fun.  That and the Finish Line.
31. Make spring/egg rolls
32. Finish six quilts (in 2010 I finished 5)(1-Other Pinwheel Sampler; 2-Pure Links; 3-Purple Pinwheels; 4-Noah's Ark; 5-The Prom Quilt; 6 - The Spiderman Quilt) - DONE
33. See both of my sisters  DONE
34. Spend time with my MIL
35. Go to the movies with #1 son - DONE (Harry Potter!)
36.  Make jerky with #2 son - I made jerky, but by myself.
37.  Write letters to #1 daughter
38.  Coffee with #3 son
39. Get a pedicure with Brie
40. Try a new recipe out with R - DONE
41. go to the zoo with grandkids
42. spend time with cousins
43. Use Gma's fabrics
44. Make a blanket for #1 grandson - DONE
45. grow something to eat
46. run 3 miles
47. Help K set up a blog
48. Visit IandW
49. Celebrate Thanksgiving in Maryland/Virginia
50. Blog once a week - I think I pretty much accomplished this .. or at least pretty close.
51. Go to the Shreve's wedding - DONE
52.  Make a new list for 2012 - Done

(and there is always, eat less and exercise more :)).


Shay said...

I think a list like this is a great idea. I did something like this about three years ago. I never did get it all done but it made me more aware of some of my goals and dreams.

Some of these are really cool. I like buy 52 $1.00 items. Interesting to see what you come up with. I'm making spring rolls too ! I have the pastry already sitting in my freezer.

And I vowed last year to make Christmas stockings this year. Poor Little P still doesnt have one. Remind me of that one in October and we'll do together.

Naturally 28 is my favourite...

Katie said...

I am a fan of #18, 21, 43 and of course #51 - if we make those invites I'll just address one to you. FYI #48 is missing something?

thea said...

Actually, I and W is just smooshed together. That would be Ila and Walter.

2024 : Week 28 : July 8 - July 14

July 9 July 10 July 12 July 13  They've got some big buns in SC June 14 My OGS (oldest grandson) turns 16!!  He's the one on the far...