Saturday, January 5, 2013

$1 Saturday

Here are the $1 deals I got this week.

First, I went to Target and got some after Christmas wrapping paper sales.  I got these boxes for $.75 for each package (six boxes in each) -- with all the internet shopping I do, boxes are a necessity.

I also got some tissue paper.  I don't remember how much it was, I'm thinking under $.50, but honestly I don't remember. Not so exciting, but again, useful.

Then I went to Walmart and got these cups for $.24 for each package...

and these buckets for $.24 each ...

and these little bags for $.78 each.

So that's 15 items so far this year (for the list, #27) -- if I keep this up, I'll definitely get to 52.


Kate said...

Love the Grinch bags! Those wiil be fun to use next year.

Peggy said...

Great deals! We'll apparently have Target here soon, wonder if those kinds of deals will come to Canada as well?!

Shay said...

Love those bargains! I usually stock up after Christmas too but this year there werent bargains like those!

LOVE those cups.

Marti said...

You found some great bargains. I missed the after Christmas sales this year. By the time I got there, there was nothing left that I wanted.

Anna said...

Going after Christmas shopping was a great find for you. Me so not so much. I did get a new dress for $7.40. I wonder though If I can find stockings for it and some bling to dress it up as well as a jacket!

2024 : Week 28 : July 8 - July 14

July 9 July 10 July 12 July 13  They've got some big buns in SC June 14 My OGS (oldest grandson) turns 16!!  He's the one on the far...