Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Stacked Monkeys

So a while ago I bought some sock monkey fabric.  Wasn't sure what I was going to do with it but two of my most favorite quilts were sock monkey quilts, so I've been on the look out for a pattern.

I bought this book on Amazon.

and it has some great kid quilts.  There is a pattern, Stacks, that I thought would be perfect with my sock monkey fabrics. The pattern calls for nine different fabrics and I only had seven.  A friend at work had some fabric she had used for a baby shower for her grandson (a sock monkey themed baby shower) which she graciously gave me.  For the ninth fabric, I used some pieces of two different leftover red sock monkey fabrics.

I think I want to add a border although the quilt in the book doesn't have one.  Not sure how I want to quilt it either.  

This is a first for me. I have three quilt tops finished. Usually I finish as I go.  The most I've had before was one.  Actually, I have four when you count the duvet cover.  I'd like to finish that one up next.


Marg said...


Peggy said...

What a cool quilt, a great way to show off coordinated fabrics!

Shay said...

I love that Stacks pattern ...the sock monkey quilt is looking very cool!

Kate said...

Very fun quilt! I like how you used the fabric with the individual squares with the monkeys in the center of the quilt.

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