Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The 2020 List of 52

1. Family vacation
2. Attend Gallifrey One - Done
3. Visit Seattle
4. Visit Aunt Mearlene
5. Go to Arizona - Done (didn't post about it, but this post is about bread made in Arizona)
6. Visit East Coast - Done
7. Go to Nevada (state)
8. Wine Tasting
9. See the Grand Canyon
10. Go to Vancouver
11. Blog an average of once a week (so at least 52 posts)
12. Story Corp interviews
13. 1SE  (one second everyday) project
14. Participate in the AtoZ Challenge - DONE (I didn't sign up for the Challenge, but I did post from A to Z in April)
15. Work on scanning old pictures
16. Work on scanning WWI era letters
17. Read one book a month*
18. Re-start cocktail Wednesday
19. $1 challenge
20. Yoga classes (or other such class)
21. Finish Grinch quilt
22. Make three quilts
23. Knit a blanket
24. Make pillow cases
25. Make one wearable (for me? or someone else?)
26. Take 6 different walks/hikes
27. Walk 1,000 fit bit miles
28. Complete "Couch to 5K"
29. Take a bike ride
30. One new thing a month
31. Try a new bread recipe - Done (focaccia bread)
32. Plant garden (tomato plants)
33. Cocktail Wednesday (bi-monthly?) (OOPS - same as 18)
34. Try a new ethnic food
35. Do a beer tasting
36. Add to my "Night Before Christmas" collection
37. Go to estate/yard sales
38. Make new Christmas cookie
39. Try 1 new recipe a month
40. Decorate for Christmas
41. Go to a concert
42. Take a class
43. Bake a pie with homemade crust
44. Watch 25% of Tom Baker episodes
45. Try a new sewing pattern
46. Visit a new / historic / special part of California
47. Make homemade pasta
48. Watch the Prisoner
49. Spend quality time with Nevada
50. Pay it forward
51. Make biscuits and gravy
52. Make a list for 2021...

and the old stand by: eat less, exercise more


Katie said...

Lots of travel. I almost revisited the $1 challenge too but decided to go with just thrift shopping. My list is no where near done.

Kate said...

That's a diverse and ambitious list. Good luck in 2020!

February Made Me Shiver

I still don't remembered the January line. I thought it was from American Pie but that line is "February made me shiver, with eve...