Friday, November 18, 2011

Favorite Things Friday

Just to stay in tune with Shay's theme .. I'm going mushy .. my favorite thing this week is my husband, well actually one of his attributes.

He loves, loves, loves sappy movies, or he would say romantic comedies, perhaps chick flicks is more like it.  His favorite channels on TV are Lifetime and Hallmark.  He saves all the Christmas movies -- the sappy ones, not the classics (though he might save those too).

I enjoy the movies, but not as much or as often as he does.  On some Saturday afternoons, you can catch him watching movie, after movie, after movie from Lifetime.

His favorite movies (not Lifetime movies) are: Pride and Prejudice (with Colin Firth), While You Were Sleeping, Love Actually, Braveheart (what?!?), Where the Heart Is, Return to Me, Definitely Maybe.  You get the picture.   (I had to throw Braveheart in because he said it was one of his favorites -- doesn't fit the genre though.)

I mean, how many of you have a husband who wants to watch the second DVD of Pride and Prejudice for the 10,000th time? or who would want to sit through Gone With The Wind?!

He is amazing. and funny. I love him. and all his quirks.

Make sure you check out Quilting in My Pyjamas to see what other people consider their favorites.


Shay said...

Do you know how rare it is to have a husband who actually enjoys watching chic flicks? If it doesn't have blood, gore, violence, noise and cars Mr. P doesn't want to watch it.

Your husbands favourite list has most of my fave movies too (including Braveheart!)

Shevvy said...

Ah bless - I'm not that much of a chick flick girl but Colin Firth in P&P was outstanding! But I'm guessing I enjoyed it for different reasons to your hubbie!
At least he isn't into blood and guts films - yuck!
I bet the truth is a lot more men than would admit it like those films - good for him.

Michelle said...

What a delightful quirk! Now I am the opposite ~ a chick who really doesn't care for chick flicks. Go figure. What a great FTF.

Petra said...

I'm not into chick-flicks but love a man with a heart! Great favorite!

Sarcastic Quilter said...

Oh, I love your husband. Wait, I mean I love my husband and I love your husband's taste in movies? hehe

A great favorite thing and now I'm off to watch Pride and Prejudice again. I read it often and watch it just as much (both the Colin Firth version as well as the new one with the popular actress... forgot her name at the moment.)

Michelle Ridgway said...

A rare man indeed. Mine will come along begrudgingly...enjoy it nad then tell was ok but not really my thing. LOL!

Marti said...

If that's a quirk, it's a good one. I would love it if Hubby liked to watch chick flicks with me. I love every old Christmas movie. I think I could watch It's a wonderful life every day in December.

Arlee Bird said...

I'm pretty much a sucker for all those kinds of movies too. I don't mind getting a bit weepy over them sometimes too, but I try to weep quietly.

My wife likes those moves as well, but her real favorites are the slam bang action movies. English is her second language so she doesn't get into it if there's too much talking involved. Two of her favorites are Gladiator and The Patriot.

The Roswell Story continues on Wrote By Rote on Saturday 11/19/11

Canadian Abroad said...

Oh you have to love that trait in a man! So pleased to hear there are some like that out there. Hope you realise you are privledged! Wonderful FTF!

Peggy said...

Now there's a keeper! What a great guy!

Katie said...

i love that about pwagwag too! I thought you were going to say that he poses with his belly stuck out! ;)

Shocking Hocking said...

aw - that's very sweet - he definately sounds like a keeper!

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