Thursday, January 1, 2015

The List : 2015

So here's the list for 2015. 

1. Go to England to visit my daughter - DONE!!!
2. Spend an entire day in my pj's - FINALLY 12/27/15
3. Make 9 quilts - #1 MPH Wall Hanging ; #2 Churn Dash Menagerie;#3 Chevron No. 1;
4. Go to Lita and Nigel's wedding - DONE
5. Scan the Round Robin letters (Done!)
6. Run/walk 500 miles (fit bit miles) - DONE
7. Complete the Couch to 10K program (almost half way there)
8. Lose weight (2 lbs)
9. Take pictures daily and post once a week
10. Make curtains for my room
11. Make curtains for the boys' room
12.  Do something new quilting wise
13. Complete a jigsaw puzzle
14. Spend time with each of my children
15. Have six date nights with my husband
16. Get caught up on Downton Abbey
17. Attend Gallifrey One - DONE
18. Plant some herbs (basil, rosemary .. something)
19. Go to a National park
20. Visit the Grand Canyon
21. Paint my house (partially painted the inside)
22. Make a bag
23. Visit my birthday buddy (Jones) - done
24. Have a fourth grandchild - done
25. Finish my Grinch quilt
26. Set up my sewing room - done
27. Go to Napa and/or Paso Robles - done and done
28.  Sew something to wear
29. Read 12 books - done and then some
30. Bake 12 different kinds of bread - #1 Honey-Oat Pain De Mie; #2 Pretzel Bread; #3 Foccacia Bread; #4 Molasses Bread; #5 Cinnamon Bread
31. Make 12 different - new - soups - #1 Hearty Tomato Soup; #2 The Best Chicken Soup Ever;  #3 Vegetable Soup; #4 Pumpkin Soup; #5 Potato Soup;#6 Turkey Soup; #7 Split Pea with Ham
32. Give blood at least 2x - NOPE
33. Find a new place to hike - done
34. Watch Sharknado
35. Take a bike ride
36. Make pillow cases for my bed
37. Visit Bodega Bay - DONE!
38. Blog more than last year
39. Visit a new lighthouse
40. Go to estate sales
41.  Add to my Night Before Christmas book collection
42.  Take a class (quilting, photography, something...)
43. Watch a classic movie - does National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation work? well, It's a Wonderful Life certainly does - so DONE!
44. Take a walk on the beach
45. Ride a roller coaster and/or ferris wheel
46. Watch the Divergent movies
47. Do a Napa sparkling wine tour - done!!
48. Watch fire works - Done
49. Take a road trip
50. Get a new haircut - done
51. Watch a Doctor Who marathon
52.  Make a list for 2016


Marti said...

That's quite a list. I especially like #2. I think I could do that one. ;)

Kirsten said...

What a great list! Happy New Years!

Kate said...

That's a very fun list (except for the 10K stuff).

Anonymous said...

Looks like I can help with several of those. :)

Katie said...

Love that Sharknado is on there it's so bad it's good! We watched them this year and last year and look forward to sharknado taking over DC in 2015. Lots of good things on here we hope to see you for a few of these.

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