Tuesday, January 3, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - Week 1, 2012

I haven't really gotten back in the swing of sewing every day, but am hoping to soon.  I just need to stop playing games.

Tues, 12/27 - nada
Weds, 12/28 - bought yarn for cowls
Thurs, 12/29 - started 1st cowl
Fri, 12/30 - nada
Sat, 12/31 - nada
Sun, 1/1 - knitted
Mon, 1/2 - basted coin quilt

So, sort of 4 out of 7, but it doesn't feel like that.  Feels like I wasted every day but yesterday when I basted the quilt -- I'll start quilting it soon.  maybe tomorrow.  we'll see.

To see how others are doing with their challenge, check out the 15 Minute Challenge at Life in Pieces, here.


Marg said...

It's hard peeling yourself off the computer. I could spend hours looking at blogs, photos, etc.

Pat said...

When you consider it was Christmas/New Year festivities, you did very well. I'm like Marg though, I could spend all my time reading blogs. Lots of inspiration.

Sara said...

I've been feeling pretty rutted since after christmas. I think I sewed too much the week before it, and now I'm taking a few weeks to recover.

Shay said...

Games are an important part of the relaxation process. Anyway you basted a quilt so it's all good.

Im still going for overall effort this year rather than sewing daily.

Marti said...

Hey, 4 days isn't bad at all. My computer is a siren for sure.

Kate said...

That's more than half the week, so you did good. Progress is progress. The computer can be so addictive, which is why mine has been off by 8:30 each evening. But now I'm behind on blogs!

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