Sunday, January 15, 2012

The List Update - Week 2

I don't feel like I got that much done this week.  I worked on the baby quilt and I've just about finished it .. just need to add the binding.

I guess I put some pretty easy things on my list because I actually did three this weekend.  I think I should probably do both #30 (skype with OD) and #41 (thrifting) each month.  I'll mark them off the list but I'm not sure they really count.

I also re-organized my "stash" (#48).  I put stash in quotes because I don't really have that much fabric.  When I went through it, I realized most of the fabric I have is just little bits and pieces.  I think my stash is pretty small, as stashes go.  something I need to work on this year .. :).


Sara said...

Lol, everyone else is all "for my new years resolution I need to destash" and you're like "pfft, hell no! More fabric!"

Shay said...

It doesnt matter whether the goals are easy or not. This is about things you want to achieve for yourself this year.

Good on you for getting that stash organised.

I've done a couple of things on my list too but I'm going to do a monthly post about my achievements so I'll link that up in a couple of weeks.

Marti said...

You've accomplished so much already! I finally accomplished making a list. lol

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