Sunday, January 1, 2012

Quilts Completed in 2011

Here's a collage of the quilts I completed in 2011.

They are: Noah's Ark, The Prom Quilt, Purple Pinwheels, Pure Links, the Other Pinwheel Sampler, Shades of Purple, Spiderman, and Rocket Man.

I did make a few other things this year, stockings, cushion covers, and a penguin bag.  oh, we also made a cat tree.

Here's to a quilty 2012!


Kate said...

Beautiful quilts. Congratulations on all your finishes.

Katie said...

looks impressive when you put them all together right! Love them.

Unknown said...

Thea thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work!!!! They are just gorgeous! Happy New Year! Thank you for the lovely comments on my site too! I wish you lots of quilting in the New Year! Selfishly I love to look at them!! xo

Cindy said...

Holy cow!! That's quite an accomplishment! Just what I needed to inspire me to get things complete, so in Jan 2013, I can share! :o) Thank you much for the inspirations!!

Shay said...

That's a LOT of projects Thea and they are all gorgeous. I love the purple hexie quilt most of all.

It's pretty amazing how much you got done in 2011. Well done !

Marti said...

That is an awesome accomplishment. They are so pretty too.

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