Friday, January 20, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

I am, once again, linking up with Shay at Quilting In My Pyjamas for Favourite Things Friday.  Hop or click on over here to see some wonderful favorites.  Every week I look forward to Friday .. for many reasons -- I see other people's favorites, I put a favorite of mine down on "paper", it's the beginning of the weekend, to name a few.

My favorite this week is quilting. I made my first quilt about ten years ago when a friend of mine had a baby.

This is what it looks like.  Apparently it's still together.  Then I didn't do any more quilting until my first grandson was born.  I wanted to make him a quilt, so I my friends, Amanda and Jane, helped me make this quilt.

I think that before I made Mikey's quilt, I bought a cutting pad, ruler, and rotary cutter.  Then, I decided I wanted to make one for my bed (this was an item on my bucket list), so the next quilt I made was for my bed.  and I've made a few more since then.  Mostly baby quilts and lap quilts.  I've also made a second quilt for my bed.

I love the cutting and the piecing, even though I can't seem to get everything exact.  I need to work on being more precise.  I love when the squares come together and make the pattern.  I enjoy the quilting part.  I am not very patient so I get anxious to get it finished and don't do it as carefully as I should.  But with the last few I've done, I've been quite pleased.  And I enjoy hand sewing the binding.  The only thing I struggle with is colors.  I have the hardest time with that.  Colors, getting the right amount of fabric, deciding on the pattern -- those are the things I struggle with.

Anyway, here is a nine patch for my newest quilt ..

And that will become a disappearing nine patch ..

I think this will look pretty good.  I may do some of the blocks with pink instead of white .. what do you think?  I also need a name for the quilt, any ideas?

That's it.  That's my favorite.  Quilting.


quiltygal said...

Hi Thea thanks for visiting ...I love the giraffe material is it all going to be Giraffes? think the pink will look good.....a name... maybe disappearing giraffes? or peek a boo giraffes :)

Shay said...

Very cute quilts. I think that your first quilt is always special . I love to look back and think about how far my skills have come since I started quilting.

I love the fabrics you've got going on in that new quilt. Beautiful!

I struggle with the quilting part!

ThreeOldKeys said...

what sweet giraffey fabric!

life's too short to worry about all the corners matching up.

thanks for the inspiration!


Cindy said...

You know...if corners don't match, it's A-OK. What matters is the time and love that goes into making quilts..and you are doing awesome! I haven't tried a disappearing 9-patch yet, but it's on my list of 'to-dos'.

Peggy said...

What beautiful first quilts! Matching everything perfectly is only for those quilts that are going into a jury show - otherwise, how important can it be, if they keep the recipient feeling warm and loved! Great giraffe fabric for your D9P! Like you I enjoy all the process, and struggle with putting colors together - thank heaven for quilt shop sales folks!!!

Anna said...

Yes add pink! I love pink! And for a name how about Dot's giraffes?

Kate said...

Pretty first quilts. I think your colors look great in all that I've seen you post.

I love the giraffe fabric you are using. For a name, maybe "Seeing Spots"?

take the cake said...

Definatly "Target Practice"
I wont piece quilts together for the same reasons as you, I like thing to be more exzct and I get cross when they dont look right, I love hand sewing more so all my quilts have been hand sewn and are more about that than the piecing. I have a lot of respect for those people who can pick their colours well and sew it all together beautifully.

libbyquilter said...

loved seeing your progress as a quilter and all of the quilts are quite cute~!
sewing the binding on a quilt is one of my favorite parts too. i think it has to do with it being the finish line as well as being a fairly mindless and simple task . . . which leaves lots of thinking time for the next quilt project~!


Paulette said...

I love how the D9P block looks after you cut it. I would never have imagined that when looking at your uncut block. That's where I it's going to look in the end. I like the white in the block, it gives the eye a place to rest from the other colorful squares and gives it a modern feel.

(I'm a week late on my FTF comment--sorry!)

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