Sunday, January 29, 2012

The List Update - Week 4

I didn't do an update last week.  I didn't get much done and I was just slacking.  

The nominees for best picture this year are:  1) War Horse, 2) The Artist, 3) Midnight in Paris, 4) Moneyball, 5) The Descendants, 6) The Tree of Life, 7) The Help, 8) Hugo, and 9) Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.  Is this more than usual?  
Anyway, we went to see The Descendants this weekend.  I am glad I saw it, and I liked it, but I can't say that I enjoyed it.  It was really quite sad and depressing.  I did think George Clooney did a great job.
I also finished my first quilt of the year -- I think that was last week, but I did finish one, so only 8 more to go.
So link up and let me know how you're doing on your list ..


Marg said...

I'm not joining in on the list making but I would like to see The Descendants.

Kate said...

Congrats on the first finish!

Shay said...

I'm going to do a post this week and link it up Thea. I actually surprised myself by how many things Im working on and what I've achieved !

Whoooooo Hooooo on the first finish for 2012 !

Anna said...

Congratulations on finishing the first quilt. I really like your bedspread it is so pretty!

Katie said...

I will try and post an update later in the week of my list - I think I make good progress. I've seen all of them but Hugo and Moneyball.

February Made Me Shiver

I still don't remembered the January line. I thought it was from American Pie but that line is "February made me shiver, with eve...