Tuesday, January 10, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - Week 2 - 2012

Tuesday - nada
Wednesday - worked on cowl
Thursday - zilch
Friday - quilted baby girl quilt
Saturday - quilted baby girl quilt
Sunday - nothing
Monday - quilted baby girl quilt

I'm making good progress on the baby girl quilt.  My co-worker had a girl so I need to finish this and get it sent off to her.  My son's friend, my friend's son, is also having a girl so I really need to get this one finished so I can start, and finish, the next one.

Decent week.  I think I'll work on some organization this week because I don't really know what I have (not that I have so much but organization is always good).  I have some fabrics that I need to cut (from clothes no longer worn).  I may also spend some time planning the other quilts I want to make this year.  A few of them (maybe 3) should be for my siblings, using some of my mother's fabrics.  Also my niece and I were going to make a quilt for a cousin, who has been particularly helpful these past few years, with some different fabrics from my mom -- so that needs to be planned out as well.

Anyway, check in at Life in Pieces to see how others have done this week on the challenge.


Pat said...

Sounds like your plan will keep you busy. I need to get organized too.

Katie said...

I finished a quilt Last week it's been sent to its recipient once it arrives I will share it. This week I am working on my 1/2 finished messy bedroom project then I will resume with Jono's quilt and maybe Sara's. I was thinking that we should make that when I visit?

Kate said...

Sounds like you are moving along on your projects, even with two days off.

Organization is important, especially if you are working on new projects. Good luck with your 2012 plan.

Thanks for linking up this week. Happy sewing for next week!

Shay said...

A plan is good. I should probably make one!

Sounds like all manner of quilty stuff is going on at your place !

2025 Pics - January 12 thru 31

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