Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christmas or bust ..

This week has been a crafty bust.  I've moved the sewing machine to my bedroom and have yet to set it up to sew.  This will have to change if I want to accomplish any of my short and long term sewing goals.  Maybe tomorrow night during Monday Night Football.

If I can't pull it together back there, I'll have to bring the machine back out here.  I was hoping that I would be able to sew while the boys are still awake -- I can't sew in the dining room while they are awake and they aren't going to bed early enough for me to get any sewing done.


Katie said...

Surely something can be arranged. I am getting a new roommate here so my sewing machine is moving into jones's room.

Shay said...

It's been a sewing bust here too this week. We had little P from Thursday to Sunday!

Kate said...

Some weeks are that way no matter where the sewing machine is set up. Hope this week gets better.

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