Monday, November 12, 2012

Time to Play Ball

As I am waiting to get the fabric for the twisted baby quilt*, and also as mentioned previously, I have been working on a quilt for my youngest grandson.  A very simple quilt, made from a fat quarter bundle of flannel that my MS gave me as a gift a couple of years ago.  (I asked my children for fabric for Christmas (or was it my birthday?) and only one of them did it.  So, that's where this came from.)

There were five fat quarters so I sewed them together - splitting the fifth one into two pieces. Very simple.  I'm going to quilt each section differently - not sure that's such a good idea, but thought I would try it out to see how it looks.

So far I've only finished the basketballs.  I hope the quilting doesn't take away from the softness.

And here's the back. 

So while I'm waiting to start the other quilt, I'll work on this.  and then, when I'm done with this, I've got the crayon rolls to make and the sewing kits, and I'd like to make some coasters too.

I actually made a list of things I wanted to work on this Christmas season, but I don't know where I put the list.  figures.

On another note, my father is going to be joining us in California next week, specifically next Tuesday.  (The Tuesday before Thanksgiving.)  I hope he's ready for the craziness of my house.  Never a dull moment here.  If you want to know more about my dad, he has a blog too.  You can check it out here.

*Okay, I confess.  Twisted baby quilt is not a good name.  I'll solicit suggestions when the finish is in sight.


Katie said...

wtg Mark for getting you what you actually asked for! This is going to be nice for CS.

Kate said...

What a great quilt for a boy. Like all the sports stuff on the front, but really love the piggies on the back.

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