Saturday, November 10, 2012

Quilt progress, not.

This is actually the process with a lot of my quilts.  I have the idea and then nothing.  I found some fabric today but my YD didn't like it.  I'm going to return the fabric and take her with me so we can get something she likes/wants.  I'm so anxious to get started ...

I started on Cooper's quilt.  I used some flannel sports themed fat quarters and sewed them together.  I'll use the piggy fabric as the backing, add some batting and baste it -- maybe tonight.  maybe not.  it won't be an exciting quilt, but it'll be soft and something that's his.


Sara said...

Were they pre-cuts? It's pretty much impossible here to return fabric off the bolt unless there's something wrong with it. Or maybe they're just poo-bums around here.

Shay said...

Genius cant be rushed. You have to have the perfect fabric to make a wonderful quilt.

February Made Me Shiver

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