Sunday, November 18, 2012

Goals met?

So the weekend wasn't a total bust.  Here's a re-cap of what I checked off the list.

buy fabric for the twisted quilt
clean house
buy a Christmas tree (for work)
buy the Christmas favor boxes **see below**

These are the things that I didn't get to:

start the boys' crayon holders
finish the ornaments I started in 1985
make a nice dinner (from the pinterest challenge)

**I didn't buy party favors, but I saw these on pinterest, here, and thought I'd try making them for the office.  They look pretty good.  I just need to decide if that's what I want to do.

They still need ribbon and to be finished, but I think they're pretty cute.  Every year I try to have some sort of favor at the table for our holiday dinner.  Last year I bought little sleigh cupcake holders and filled them with candy.  I really need to get to Michael's and see what other things I might be able to get.  I guess I can do that next weekend.

I also worked on the sporty quilt.  Just have one more area to quilt and then I need to add the binding.  Not sure what to use for that.

Here are the cross stitch pieces that I made for my three oldest (when they were the only three I had).  I have to see what I can find at a craft store to mount them and make them into ornaments.  I had them in little frames, but I wasn't happy with those.  I want to give them to them for Christmas this year (only 27 years later ...).  

I still need to finish the Christmas stockings from last year.  I was thinking of embroidering names on the stockings.  Don't think that will l happen this year, but maybe someday.


Marg said...

Those ornaments are so cute. Recently when I was packing for my move I found the beginnings of a cross stitch I started to make for my girlfriends daughter. I had completed the first two letters of her 8 letter name! She's 25 now!.
You still crossed off almost half the things on your list, that's not too bad at all.

Sara said...

A couple of years ago Maddy and I went a bit nuts with those perler bead thingies - the ones you lay out on the little pegs and then iron to melt them all together. We made a few dozen christmas themed ones and they're the majority of what hangs on our christmas tree now.

Shay said...

Those vintage 1985 ornaments can wait another year ...

Miss P saw those party favours a few weeks ago and sent me the picture. I thought it was a great idea and yours look terrific!

Your kids will love those cross stitch ornaments. Can you make them into hanging tree ornaments instead since you didn’t like the frames?

Katie said...

Cross stitch was really all the rage in 1985. Way to finish something. Check Pinterest for ideas I saw cute snowman jars with candy

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