Friday, November 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Sara!

I almost missed her birthday .. She won't know about this (unless I send her a link) but I didn't want her day to go unmentioned. 

Picture from here.

It's hard to believe that November is over.  Every year I think I'll be more on top of things when Christmas rolls around; and every year, it doesn't happen.  Suddenly it's December; where did the year go?

Today is the last day of NaBloPoMo.   I missed two days of posting this month but hit the rest of the days.  Don't think I'll try to do this again, I just don't have that much to say.

On another note completely.  I keep accidentally posting my 15 minute challenge blogs because the publish and save buttons are right next to each other.  I really need to be more careful.


Arlee Bird said...

Cupcakes always catch my attention. I too have been marveling that December is here so quickly. I have caught myself almost hitting the publish button too soon. That's why I go do and schedule the correct date first so that I don't accidentally publish something too soon.

A Faraway View

Shay said...

I think you did an amazing job of posting almost every single day . I certainly couldn't do it !

Kate said...

Happy Birthday to Sarah!

Don't you hate it when you hit the publish button and you don't mean too!

February Made Me Shiver

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