Thursday, April 9, 2020

SIP A to Z : G

G is for Goals

This is a good time to work on my list for this year -- to attack some of the goals I have that don't require going places or seeing people.  There are no excuses -- traffic isn't an issue.  The only issue is me and my motivation.

For example, I have started my knitting project -- it's a blanket for my 2-year old granddaughter.  Of course, it was supposed to be finished before she was born but obviously that didn't happen.  It may end up as a gift for someone else .. please don't tell. 

Another thing I've started is the Couch to 5K.  Depending on how long this goes on, I may even be able to finish it.  I don't enjoy running but I know it's good for me to push myself.

Maybe I'll go into the office and get my scanner so that I can work on scanning the old pictures and WWI letters.  Just saw this picture of my grandfather that reminded me ...

(plus I couldn't have a post without any pictures at all).

I might even do some quilting.  I'm going to pull out the sewing machine this weekend and make face masks.  It should go pretty quickly -- does anyone have a pattern to recommend?

1 comment:

Katie said...

I don’t know what pattern people recommended but I do recommend ties vs elastic the elastic ones fit nobody right. The ties were adjustable. I made mine from old tee shirt too cut with a rotary cutter.

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