Sunday, April 2, 2023

A is for Aardvark

So, I'm sort of participating in the A to Z Challenge. "Sort of" means that I'm doing it but not linking to the group.  If you're interested, here's a link.

My theme for this year is going to be things from my childhood.  I imagine it will be pretty random.

So, when I was a kid, there was a show on TV where the host of the show would sing a song -- kind of about an aardvark.  Apparently, it was a show called Wonderama, and his name was Bob McAllister. The You Tube video is below.


I wonder if anyone ever brought an aardvark ...

1 comment:

Kate said...

I'm sometimes amazed at the shows we watched when we were kids. But I guess our shows were no worse then the Tele Tubbies that Grad Girl watched when she was little. At least most of the shows I watched you could understand what they were saying. I have no idea what language Tele Tubbies used, but she loved it.

February Made Me Shiver

I still don't remembered the January line. I thought it was from American Pie but that line is "February made me shiver, with eve...