Wednesday, April 19, 2023

N, O, P ...

I'm totally a slacker.  I couldn't come up with anything for N so ...

N is for Nothing

O is for Ocean City (Maryland that is).

Ocean City was just about the only other place we went on vacation and that was quite sporadic.  My father's company owned a townhouse in OC and usually once a year, in the off season, we would get to use it.  (Well, maybe two or three times we vacationed there.)

P is for Playground.

The playground at the elementary school was amazing -- all sorts of play equipment that we loved but would now never be considered.  My favorite piece of "equipment" was the fire pole.  It was this huge cement ramp that led to a pole which everyone would slide down.  I'll draw a picture one day.

There were see-saws and swings and poles to hang from.  Maybe monkey bars? Also there were these huge pipe things, on their sides that you could sit in and have personal conversations.  The playground was not enclosed (that I can remember) and it backed up to a small tree area.  There was a black top nearby where everyone played four square, dodge ball, kick ball, and other such games.  Good times.

We didn't have one of these (but there was a similar one in Eagle Harbor) -- but it would have been great fun.

1 comment:

Kate said...

N is for nothing works. It's been fun to see what you come up with for each letter.

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