Monday, April 3, 2023

B is for Beatles

B is for Beatles.

I thought about other B words...

Bread - my mother always made bread and even the lunch I took to school (PB&J just about every day) had her homemade bread.  I didn't appreciate it at the time. 

Barbies -- I used to play barbie dolls with my sister and best friend all the time, probably up until I decided I was too grown up for that.  Maybe in 4th or 5th grade. 

but I had to go with the Beatles.  

I used to listen to their albums non-stop (okay probably not non-stop but an awful lot).  Whenever I hear a song now, I can usually remember which song should come next.  I also remember sitting under a table in my room with a blanket over it and just playing their albums over and over and over.  

Back then, since there wasn't any pandora or playlists, you had to make do with whichever records you had.  I probably ruined all the records by playing them on my cheap turntables.

I think my cousins got us into them.  One of my cousins even saw them in concert at Shea Stadium -- probably 1964.  Though being one of the youngest cousins, I don't remember, just that I was told that she was there (and she has confirmed).  By the time I was old enough to go to concerts they had broken up.  I did see Paul McCartney in concert in 1976 though (and several times since then).

Each of my sisters and I picked a favorite Beatle.  My oldest sister picked John, the next sister picked Paul, and because I didn't think I was allowed to like a Beatle best that either of them had already picked, I went with George -- which was actually a good choice. I feel like that sounds like I was settling, but he was my favorite.

Also, back in the day, it was hard to find any mention of the Beatles.  The teen magazines were already done with them (and on to the next new thing).  Books on the Beatles were impossible to find.  I was always looking and not finding .. now that I'm older and there are a plethora of books, magazines, pictures, etc. and I could buy whatever I want, I don't want.

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